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大学讲师,中国首批AP计算机教师,著有中国第一套,历经五年实践证明深受学生欢迎的成功的AP计算机双语教材,2013年以93%的满分率开创了中国AP计算机成功的先河,远远超出全美26.6%的满分率,为中国AP计算机教学树立了典范,并在同年加拿大计算机竞赛中勇夺桂冠,任教学生获哥伦比亚大学,麻省理工学院,卡耐基梅隆大学,宾夕法尼亚大学,康奈尔大学,西北大学等学校录取,远程学生遍及北京、长春、南京、重庆、广州、济南, 深圳、成都、费城,洛杉矶,加州,宾州,新罕布什尔州等地,希望借此平台为信息技术的发展做出贡献!

2015年 AP 计算机 新大纲解读  

2015-03-07 21:32:49|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Exam Content

The exam covers fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java typically taught in a first-semester college course. Both sections of the exam require students to demonstrate their ability to design, write, analyze, and document programs and subprograms. The exam emphasizes programming in Java, programming methodology (including recursion), and procedural abstraction. It also includes algorithms, data structures, and data abstraction.

Programming Language
Java is used for the sections of the exam that require reading and writing of actual programs.

Starting in the 2014-15 school year, the GridWorld case study has been replaced by a required lab component consisting of a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences. 

    - Three new AP Computer Science A labs are available through teachers' AP Course Audit accounts as exemplars to support the implementation of at least 20 hours of hands-on lab work in the classroom.

    - Teachers have the flexibility to modify and implement these new labs according to the needs of their students and to use other, comparable labs and resources to meet the 20-hour lab requirement.

    - The 2015 AP Computer Science A Exam will not have specific questions that focus on the new AP Computer Science A labs and will continue to assess the concepts and skills outlined in the Course Description. In addition, there will no longer be any GridWorld case study questions.

    - Teachers with previously authorized courses will not be required to revise and resubmit syllabi.

For more information download the revised AP Computer Science A Course Description, Effective Fall 2014, which includes the update to the curricular requirement along with a description of the characteristics of an AP-level computer science lab component.

Multiple-Choice Questions

For sample multiple-choice questions implementing Java, refer to the AP Computer Science Course Description, Effective Fall 2014 (.pdf/800KB).

Free-Response Questions

Below are free-response questions from past AP Computer Science A Exams. Included with the questions are scoring guidelines, sample student responses, and commentary on those responses, as well as exam statistics and the Chief Reader's Student Performance Q&A for past administrations.

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